Posted in Nature, Oregon, Pacific Northwest, Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Earth

I love pictures of old stumps and pieces of wood; they hold such fascinating textures and multitudinous shades of brown, green, gold, gray. These are two of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them on this Earth Day!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Earth


~knit equals joy

This is my 200th post!  Woo hoo!!!


In this blog, you will find not only an exploration of all that is good in our knitterly lives, but also a variety of posts tying together my passions for writing, photography, and my home state of Oregon.

11 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Earth

  1. Ho’omaka’i on your 200th post, Carol! It’s fascinating to think, yeah, how that stump alone houses micro worlds we can’t see with our own eyes?

    1. Thank you for the kudos, Stefanie 🌼. Thanks for bringing that up; it’s totally amazing to think about the life going on in there!

  2. Such an interesting stub of wood. It looks soft on top actually. And, it also looks like the stump has a hairdo, and a very shaggy one 😀 Agree with what Stefani said. Who knows what lives among all that 😀

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Mabel. That stub of wood does look soft – almost polished by the elements. Must be why it caught my eye. The stump is very messy, for sure! It’s interesting to think about what’s going on in there! 😀

      1. ‘polished by the elements’ Love how you say it, love that phrase. That stump must have had a messy hair day, or nature decided to give it a messy ‘do 😀

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